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Agenzia Vivere Lampedusa SRL  
Ascent San Gaetano, 91017 Lampedusa (TP) Italy

Tel +39 0923 916307 - Fax +39 0923 918059

Antoinette 338.2994515 -  Fabrizio 338.5065718 -  Danilo 339.6403168

If you have any special requests for your dream holiday island of Lampedusa and / or needmore information about our services, please contact us for free to the above numbers or fill out the form below.
We will be happy to respond quickly to your requests. Thank you.

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  • Please read the Privacy Policy, published by Vivere Pantelleria Ltd on the web site 
According to article 13 of Decree No. 196/2003 provide the following information: 
1) The information requested in the form will be used in order to accommodate your request to be accredited c / o our structure in order to promote our products and services, if your application is successful you will be allowed access to particular areas of the site after authentication (username and password) 2) the data will be processed using paper or computerized 
3) the provision of data is necessary to accommodate your request 
4) the data will be processed by staff specially appointed responsible for the handling personal data by the holder 
5) the data will not be spreading. 
We remind you that at any time may exercise all rights under Article 7 of Legislative Decree 196/2003 by contacting the owner of the Vivere Pantelleria Ltd by sending an e-mail at

    Claiming to have read the information under Article 13 of Decree No. 196/2003 published by Living on Pantelleria Srl web site confirming the full knowledge of the information contained therein, in particular with regard to the purposes and modalities treatment, as well as those to whom such data can be communicated and / or transferred
    Vivere Pantelleria Ltd to process my personal data, for the purposes of the published information and communication of personal data for as indicated on the information
    Vivere Pantelleria Ltd to treat my personal data for marketing and sales, therefore, to communicate promotions, product offerings and / or services, or for research purposes, market research and analysis of the level of customer satisfaction.